Intellectual Property Disputes – Robert Tyler v Ryanair [2010]:
Mr. Tyler had a website known as “”. The website contained disparaging comments about the airline Ryanair. Ryanair instead of bringing an action in defamation against Mr. Tyler, lodged a complaint with Nominet who regulate UK domain names.
Commercial Injunctions: Araci v Fallon [2011] EWCA Civ 668 (2011)
Commercial Injunctions Araci v Fallon [2011] EWCA Civ 668 (2011) A recent case illustrates the courts reluctance to allow a breach of contract.
Commercial Litigation: Coulson and Mulcaire v News of the World.
On 21st November 2011 the High Court handed down two separate judgments against the News of the World ,one involving Andy Coulson, formally the editor of the News of the World and Glenn Mulcaire who was a private investigator engaged by the News of the World.